This is the location of the display wall we picked in the Center for Discovery. After storytime, people pass by here and the castle, and go to the play area, which is seen on the far right side in this picture.
On Monday, I installed the pop-ups. From Tuesday, I started observation. I realized that most of parents carry so many things on them that they couldn't hold their toddlers. Also, even when they were able to hold their kids, they had a difficulty holding them long enough. Most infants were in their strollers sleeping. The ways the kids handled the pop-ups were very acceptable, so I decided to lower the pop-ups.
I reinstalled the pop-ups to lower level on Wednesday. I continued my observations on Thursday and Saturday. I also, started filming the interactions.
So far, my total observation time is about 8 hours. I was there from when the people started coming out of the storytime room. A little over 60 children interacted with the pop-ups. The ages were mostly 2-5 years old. There were a few kids frequently revisiting the display. There are no advertisement or signs about the display. There were some verbal directing once in a while to some parents to encourage their children to open the pop-ups, but not a whole lot. Without directing them, some people noticed, and some didn't. It was interesting to see many children noticed the stools first, and then tried to find out what's up there, and then got curious about the pop-ups. Most kids spent a few seconds on each, total of no more than a minute. The parents were in hurry.
My pop-ups are holding up very nicely. I have more confidence about the durability of the pop-ups and the way the children interact with them now. This week, I'm going to relocate the pop-ups to the play area. In this area, the kids play hard with toys. The parents less supervise their kids here. I'm going to mount the pop-ups much lower, and remove the stools, so that the toddlers can have easy access.